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What We Do

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Creating solutions that enrich lives

We are engineering sustainable solutions that will help create a better world – now and in the future.

At Panasonic, our primary goal is to help people enrich people’s lives by promoting useful, high-quality technology solutions that have a positive impact on the world and our customer’s day-to-day lives. We are also committed to innovating new, sustainable technologies that create a healthier planet.

By imagining a better future – and by working to make it a reality through the development of technologies that empower people to pursue their passions – we hope to create the foundation for a more just, fair, and prosperous society, thereby enabling people to live their best, most fulfilling lives.

Areas of focus

In our view, technology should move us all forward. It should enable us to create abundance out of scarcity, power the things that make our lives easier, and energize our perpetual ambition for progress. Starting with this mindset, we invest in technological innovation that will inspire and amaze, focusing on five important areas.

Solar panels for sustainable energy

1. Energy

As a leader in renewable energy production and storage, we have a long history of meeting ever-changing needs. That’s why we’re committed to delivering entire ecosystems – from solar panels, storage systems, EV batteries and multi-stakeholder partnerships that help cities keep the power flowing sustainably – to address the urgent demands of the climate crisis.

Overhead view of a highway

2. Mobility

Our unique combination of software, hardware and advanced analytics expertise provides value and better outcomes for stakeholders and customers in every part of the mobility universe. This ecosystem of solutions is reshaping every aspect of the way we navigate our worlds, making transportation safer, more efficient and more enjoyable.

Construction workers building a structure

3. Industry

From manufacturing to logistics, Panasonic is leveraging connected technology solutions that help businesses stay on-track, on-time and on-budget. Whether addressing needs in the supply chain, construction or on the factory floor, our goal is always the same: anticipate the future, innovate continuously and collaborate with customers to create breakthrough solutions the prepare businesses for the future.

grocery store employee stocking shelves

4. Retail

From warehouse to stock room, retail floor to web and even in the quick service kitchen, we understand the challenges your business faces. That’s why we’re developing integrated solutions that modernize and streamline operations, manage supply chains more effectively and create experiences that build customer loyalty.

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5. Lifestyle

At Panasonic, our goal is to help you get more enjoyment from the things you love. Whether that’s photography, music, cooking, fashion or cinema, our products let you indulge your passions, share them with others and reimagine what’s possible.

Industries we serve

Our rich history of innovation has enabled us to cultivate a wide breadth of expertise. Discover how our technology solutions are being employed across the following industries:

automotive technology
Staying ahead is harder than ever today. Our automotive technologies help our OEM partners embrace the future.
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At Panasonic, we help airlines develop better passenger experiences and enhanced operational efficiency.
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Smarter building technologies not only enhance the well-being of occupants, they create a healthier planet.
Consumer Lifestyle
From microwaves to hair dryers to video cameras, our products can make daily life remarkably better.
Education today demands a collaborative learning environment. See how we help educators inspire and engage students.
Technology is changing how energy is created, stored and managed. Our innovations are helping to create a greener world.
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Engaging audio-video experiences help you connect with your audience. See how we’re elevating those experiences.
Food Tech Solutions
From sustainable refrigeration to connected restaurant solutions to commercial kitchen equipment, we're helping restaurants & food retailers thrive.
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Our solutions are helping government agencies fulfill their mission to protect their citizens and advance society.
manufacturing hero
Discover how our total suite of manufacturing technologies is revolutionizing factories and supply chains.
woman using a tablet in retail store
Our innovative tech gives retailers data-driven insights with the ability to personalize and create new sales opportunities.
We offer our customers supply chain management support through services in logistics, warehousing, transportation and more.